Macro Trade - Actions speak louder than words

Saturday 27 August 2011

Start the Day with a Toasted iPhone

Taking a bite of the reality toast, the Day Maker is an exciting bedside charger and alarm hub that “pops” up the phone with a buzzer, when it’s time to rise and shine! Replicating the most inherent human morning routine of popping the toast for breakfast, this concept captures the essence and is bound to make mornings more pleasant for gadget-freaks like us!
Designer: Michael Kritzer for Simple Artifact

How to use Day Maker
  • Set your phone alarm
  • Insert phone into one of Day Maker’s cradles and push down to charge and set unit
  • When the phone alarm goes off, the spring-loaded cradle will ‘pop’ the phone up
  • Either remove the phone from Day Maker, or activate sleep by pushing the phone back down
  • Repeat until ready

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