Soaring through the water with the greatest of ease! This boat right here is the “Eagle Yacht.” Designed by Darko Markovic who has a really rad AKA: Dar-Mar! He’s made this yacht to be a powerboat with a definitive set of fine sport vehicle features. Aggressive power in the engine, light, high speed water ride, luxury interior and out, what more could you want? I want it to be covered in impossibly bright LED lights, but that’s neither here nor there. Let’s talk about this falcon of the sea.
Designer: Darko Markovic
Outside you’ll see a sharp, advanced hull and a wide body. Coupled with a strong engine, that of course means stability, safety, and of course comfort. It’s covered by Voltaic solar panels, “Kevlar” fibers, and is run on a 250 KW Direct Drive Jet Propulsion System.
8 meters Lenght
3 meters Width
40 centimeters Draft
Darko Markovic has made really awesome designing.Great art work. It looks stunning in red color.Thanks for sharing this wonderful yacht designing with us...